Double Digits?! Celebrate with Us!

We’re 10 years old!

It’s hard to believe, but this month marks Sharp Insight’s 10th anniversary!  Since 2013, we have proudly partnered with over 80 mission-driven organizations that support a wide range of meaningful causes: public health, chronic disease, racial justice, youth development, labor rights, environmental sustainability, food systems, adults with developmental disabilities, aging in community, nonprofit leadership, and more.  During this same time, we have provided evaluation and program quality training to over 1,000 individuals.  Thank you for being part of our journey to help organizations use evaluation to measure what matters. 

Of course, this work cannot be done without the strength, collaboration, intellectual curiosity, integrity, and humor of our team.  Just this month, we are thrilled to welcome our two newest team members, Ticia Cole and Reena Gadhia.  This brings us to a team of 10 at 10 years!  We are here to support you, so please just reach out to discuss your evaluation needs. 

The Gift of Data

We’ve been so busy this past decade collecting data for our partners that (ironically!) we have not gathered public feedback for ourselves.  Instead of a birthday cake or balloons to celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we hope you will share a testimonial about your experience with Sharp Insight. We plan to feature these on our social media and website (while promoting our partners as we do)! We would be so grateful for this support.


As we look ahead, we are excited for what the next decade brings.  We know that the evaluation space is constantly evolving, and we are excited to be part of that progress.  Here’s to our next 10 years together!

Jana SharpComment