Too many “to do’s”? We’ve got you covered!

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With so much going on in our world, we’ve found it a bit harder to stay focused.  Lately there are certainly more interruptions during the workday, from experiencing major world events unfold to feeding kids lunch.  And yet, there is still so much work to do!

At Sharp Insight, we understand the challenges of an ever-growing to do list.  In 2019, we started using this planning tool to keep organized and on-task throughout the day as a paper/pencil supplement to our online project management system.  Long before stay-at-home orders began, our ever-virtual meetings were interrupted for all sorts of equally important things, whether that was a last-minute email request or a dog “requesting” a walk!  The planning tool quickly became an easy way to help us structure a flexible, productive workday. 

Today we’re sharing our planner with you in two formats. If you’d like to print and get planning, there’s a PDF ready for you to start using today. Or maybe our planner seems great but is not a perfect fit for you?  No problem — try downloading the PowerPoint template and customize your own version.  We’d love to see how you personalize the planner to make it work best for you.

Work from home doesn’t — and can’t — mirror work in an office environment.  At times it can feel surprisingly fulfilling when “life” trickles into our workflow here and there.  But if or when you need a system to pull you back to your to do list, we hope this tool can help.  Happy planning!

Jana Sharp